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$250 THE ATOMIC Bluegrass Bling Bomb

Metal: Gold

Live FIZZ: Yes


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THE ATOMIC Bluegrass Bling Bomb! Worth 3-5x the price, you will receive either a RING, NECKLACE, BRACELET, or EARRINGS. The atomics are worth anywhere from $750-$2,000. If you receive a ring you may have it sized or we can size it for you for a $75 fee. Our fine jewelry bath bombs will bring you fun and excitement! Guaranteed REAL gemstones and certified Gold or White Gold. If you select LIVE FIZZ, you can tune in on our next bling bomb show on Facebook.com/bluegrassblimgtm to see what your bath bomb will reveal!! 

The Details

  • In Stock:


  • Weight:

    1.0 lb